This paper explores the significance of managers' impact on the level of employee success in the banking sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the contribution of managers to successful banks as agile managers, and argues that management reform in a crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic can be done well by managers. The banks positively by managers who possess the employees' imagination and technical innovation skills, which makes the employees capable of facing the different types of challenges and difficulties they encounter in an unexpected or anticipated way, who constitute vital components in the continuity and progress of the organizational transition in a volatile economy. With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, institutions all over the world have attempted to respond successfully to transition, and banks have been especially hard hit by self-responses. These methods, however, have shown for agile management the potential to excel under and survive global economic conditions. This paper examines current research on the role of bank managers in the positive development of internal change during crisis situations. The findings revealed that assisting managers in the private banking industry is critical to instilling a sense of transformation in other direct and related parties within the company. As a result, this paper leads to clarifying successful employee assessment by inspiring managers to them which led to the performance of the most effective managers from the old conventional managers who were happy with the banks after these new circumstances that inspired new managers to the imagination and innovation through prior expectations.
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