Public Governance in the Public Sector: Literature review


Public Governance; Public Sector; Bahrain.

How to Cite

Alqooti, A. A. (2020) “Public Governance in the Public Sector: Literature review”, International Journal of Business Ethics and Governance (IJBEG), 3(3), pp. 14-25. doi: 10.51325/ijbeg.v3i3.47.


The study aims to investigate the impact of public governance on the implementation of the National Audit Office’s recommendations in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It measures the impact of public governance on reducing the total violation of government entities. The study finds that there is a significant impact of stewardship and rule of law principle on reducing the total violations. The study comes out with important recommendations to the executive bodies concerned with addressing the deficiencies in the governmental system and raising the level of public governance to assist in implementing the auditors’ recommendations and avoid violations.


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