The study aims at identifying the role of management information systems in sustaining the administrative governance of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Gaza. To achieve this purpose, the researcher used the "descriptive-analytical approach", and adopted the questionnaire as a tool for the study, using a "stratified random sample" to poll the sample opinions, which amounted to (289) male and female employees of the staff of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Gaza, and the number of questionnaires recovered was (254) recovery rate (87.9%). The study finds that the targeted individuals of the study sample showed a high degree of the availability of management information systems infrastructure in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, reached a relative weight of (73.2%). In addition, the results showed a rise in the application of management information systems at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education resulted in a relative weight of (70.5%). The high quality of the information resulting from management information systems at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the relative weight of (68.6%). The application of administrative governance in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Standards reached a relative weight of (64.82%) and received the standard response at the highest relative weight of (67.64%).
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