The study aimed to see how committed the two parties to the psychological contract were to each other and how it affected the perceived corporate reputation. Using the descriptive-analytical approach, the study used a questionnaire to collect data and targeted an organized random sample of (231) persons in the Gaza Strip's official temporary work programs. According to the findings, the respondents' commitment to the organization was more significant than their commitment to them. It was also discovered that the target organizations are concerned about their reputation. The fulfillment of the organization's commitments to the individual had an impact on the individual's commitment to the organization on the one hand, and the organization's perceived reputation on the other. Because of their role in enhancing worker commitment and improving organizational reputation, the study recommended that organizations pay attention to the psychological contract as one of the tools of motivation, in addition to the necessity of fulfilling their obligations towards workers. It is suggested that future studies be focused on employees who work in more stable working settings.
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