The role of sensory marketing in mobile devices on the purchasing decision of the consumer in the clothing sector in Palestine


Sensory marketing, consumer behavior, purchasing behavior, mobile applications, e-commerce, selling through mobiles devices, augmented reality

How to Cite

Tarayra, E. H., Shahin, G. O., Qafesha, I. E., Sharabati, M. A. and Fallah, S. A. (2022) “The role of sensory marketing in mobile devices on the purchasing decision of the consumer in the clothing sector in Palestine”, EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBT), 5(1), pp. 1-21. Available at: (Accessed: 13January2025).


Buying clothes online faces difficulties and problems in the form of abstinence to buy online for reasons attributed to fear and distrust. The research aims to find solutions to these problems by identifying their causes and suggesting a model supported by virtual reality technologies and mobile applications within the context of sensory marketing in a manner that is appropriate for the clothing sector and mobile devices.  The study built on previous studies, and targeted Palestinian consumers in the clothing sector using two tools to collect data, namely, a questionnaire and a focus group. The descriptive and deductive approach was adopted in analyzing data and drawing conclusions.  Results showed the positive role of virtual reality in increasing consumer's trust in online stores and helped consumers to overcome their fears of item's picture not matching the real product, in addition to reducing returns and other factors.  This model would serve as a starting point for further expansion and generalization worldwide at a later time.The study recommends the adoption of virtual reality in online selling applications and implementing the proposed model.



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